
By MrsK277

History and Opera

Walked to school in the sunshine to get the coach at 11am. The children were excited and ready in partners. The one child without, was always me at school, so I took hold of the hand of the little poppet, looking sad and lonely and told her she was in for the best time!
I don't think the head took a breath in the whole 40min journey!! Bless her. But that's tiring. We all marvelled at the Tower and wondered if it was Rapunzels, until MrR quized them on what period they thought it was and whether Henry Vlll had actually visited. I think I've always lived in fantasyland!
After lunch under the shade of a tree, they all went to play in different directions, amazed at the view over the estuary to wind turbines and the power station at Bradwell. I tried to explain perspective to my little friend when she asked how that could be water with trees sitting on top! It was tricky! There were two lads pretending to be archaeologists, a group using the outdoor stage, and a group of girls laying under the tree singing Bon Jovi, living on a prayer after they'd learnt it in MrR's lunchtime 80's music club!!
Then we were called in. Front seats in a beautiful beamed barn, two steps from the stage to watch The condensed Magic Flute. I was awestruck, not just by the voices, but a certain 3 or 4 who I knew would be captivated, did not move muscle for an hour, completely entranced. What a wonderful opportunity.
Coach journey home, I was saved from constant chatter, by my little partner needing the sick bucket, bless her.
I could easily fallen asleep once home, but Rachel and Charlotte were meeting for takeaway at Charlotte's and one of MrK's lads, Oakley offered to take me. I'm glad I made the effort and had a little wine!

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