
By maureen6002

Bee and Lupin

So, well and truly back home with the sights and sounds of London seeming far more than 24 hours away, it’s garden rather than street photography. 

It’s a dullish day until late afternoon - which to be honest suits me; I really need a quiet, restful day. I wander round the garden, hoping there will be some insect life to photograph, and sure enough - I catch some bees feeding from the lupins. This is our first year of growing lupins, and we’re thrilled at just how well they’re thriving.  We’d thought we couldn’t grow them - early attempts when we first moved here some 37 years ago ending in failure. But two tiny plants from Daniel’s garden have gone from strength to strength, much to our delight - and that of the bees! 

I’ve made some headway in catching up with journals, but please bear with me as it’s taking time …..

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