
By esiuol

Strawberry tart

I do miss a good old fashioned strawberry tart. When I was in my early twenties I worked in a baker’s shop in Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. In the summer we would get deliveries of hundreds of identical strawberry tarts each day and sell them all. They were ‘proper’ strawberry tarts with the cream at the bottom of the pastry case with a big strawberry on top then the strawberry sauce to glaze it. Today I managed to buy a strawberry tart in a supermarket, well two, because there is no option for one. The pastry case was nice and crisp but the cream was on the top hiding the tiny strawberry and unexpectedly there was a pile of gloopy custard underneath.
It was nice enough but it has made me very nostalgic for the old days! 
The weather today has put me off attempting any outdoor photography, the heavy blanket of cloud, a cold wind and intermittent rain is all rather depressing.

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