Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


Quite a difficult morning at the Community Fridge because the kitchen door was wide open because it was so warm, which made it very draughty.  Because my eye has been very sore and painful today, I couldn’t bear it standing in the draught so didn’t help out there as much as usual!

I did manage to chat to lots of people in the café though, which was good, but didn’t keep my sunnies on all the time, as I know how much I dislike talking to people when I can’t see their eyes.  However, people were very kind and said they understood.

I did ring the Clinic but wasn’t impressed with the lady I spoke to on the phone who was rather brusque and unhelpful - so I did feed that back when I later spoke to a nurse.  I had taken a photograph of my eye, so arranged to send it to the nurse when she called me as we were on our way home.  However, trying to send it, I inadvertently tapped the video call button and ended up on a video call with her, which in the end, worked out well.  In the middle of the pavement, just near to our opticians, because we were on our way there, I was showing her my eye!!  

The nurse said she didn’t think it was anything to worry about, but that if it got worse then I should ring them back, but in the meantime, to continue bathing it with cool, boiled water, and using my Dry Eye drops.

Apologies once again that I won’t be on here after I have posted my Blip - I’m going to listen to a podcast and stay off my phone and computer to rest my eyes and my right one in particular.

Thank you for your kind comments yesterday and the compliments on our new haircuts, all of which are much appreciated!

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