Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


It was almost too warm to go to the hairdressers today, but my hair needed a good cut so I went.

Mr. HCB needed a haircut too so he took the opportunity to drop me off and then go to his normal Turkish barbers.

We then met up in Jack’s to have a cup of coffee and a good chat together. His hair is even shorter than mine now but in this heat who wants hippie-length hair?

So today my collage shows some of the products used by my lovely hairdresser, Fran - and also my new hairstyle. I told her I wanted it really short, and I think she’s done a great job.

Mr HCB told me that it’s fine going to a Turkish barber, but the one he saw today only had a few words of English so I guess “not too short“ was not understood by him!

I think he felt a little bit self-conscious about how short it was so wasn’t happy about having his photograph taken as you can see, but I still took it anyway!

I was going to make a rude remark about taking the photograph of the monkey poster in Jack’s, but I won’t embarrass Mr. HCB - however, as he just remarked, hearing me dictating these notes “It’s never stopped you before!” and of course, he’s right!  It’s a good job we don’t take umbrage when we tease one another!

I’m dictating this on my phone because I’m having issues with my Big computer which doesn’t seem to want to switch on properly and keeps rejecting my password.  I think maybe my keyboard has run out of juice so I’m charging it up and hope that that’s the reason. If not, I shall be on the phone to Apple to try and get this sorted out.  I seem to spend my life lately on the phone, holding on listening to horrible, tinny music, waiting for people to do things that they should’ve done but didn’t - rant over!

I spent almost an hour trying to sort out something with Sky and then was on to Apple to sort out my iMac for 1 hour and 20 minutes - fortunately the young lady I spoke to in Portugal was very pleasant and between us we managed to resolve the issue, but I must confess I was “cream-crackered” by 5.45 and I still had to get our evening meal.  Fortunately, our next door neighbour, Lynn, had given us two plates of salad, so I didn’t have to do too much.  And then to finish off my afternoon, I had a call from Honda about an issue relating to the service on our car, which is due on Friday.  Thankfully that didn’t take as long - but as I told Mr. HCB, having to deal with all that it seemed as if I was back at work!

The evening is ours and I intend to relax and not look at any screen, particularly as my eyes are sore and I certainly won’t be watching the pantomime on television this evening between two certain men!

Hope you’re keeping cool - no easy job in this heat!

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