Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


now smelling delightful in the garden, and so many blooms.  To think I thought it was half dead earlier in the year!

Bad night and not a good day either.

Last night despite doing all the preventative things like turning off electronics an hour before bed - when I did some plant watering in the quiet back garden, then sat with my kindle for quite a while outside until I couldn't read due to the light - I had the most terrible night's sleep what with the heat and my leg deciding to be restless (and very painful again).  I ended up getting up at 3am and getting my trusty old ice pack out of the freezer wrapped in a tea towel under my leg.  Thankfully I slept for about 3 and a half hours then...

Today I had an appointment at the jobcentre for the Universal Credit, so I set off nice and early, thinking it would be lovely to walk through the abbey and gardens first - but wouldn't you know it, the buses were running really late.  

I ended up getting a different bus, a single decker that goes to the hospital, and its a very bumpy journey that doesn't go near the gardens but does go into town.

So I didn't get any photos

Came home, and first thing was to take a blip photo, then complete all the things I have to agree to online - and finally blip!

I am not really feeling very well, and hoping this is just the heat and tiredness and a bit of hay fever, and not COVID (I will do a test tomorrow morning before I set off to the hospital for my MRI, just in case).

Feeling very thankful this has been a cooler day altogether, though it was hot on the bus coming home....and for the coffee shop visit at Greyfriars once again before my appointment :)

Off to get an ice lolly out of the freezer and relax :)

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