Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Hawthorn shield bug

No, you see I didn't get back to Lymington today.  The lovely man who comes periodically to fix all the silly household breakages I can't manage myself, texted last night to say could he be here late morning.  So I had to say yes.  I did have a shortish walk north from here this afternoon, which is where I found this magnificent shield bug.  Don't you love his fake red 'eyes'?  But what lumpy creatures they are.  When he flubbed down on a stalk of long grass beside me I felt the whole world wobble on its axis - haha!!

Apart from those two things, the day's consisted of a swift trip into town to pick up prescriptions and later on this afternoon a bit of gardening.

So that's me.  Hope your day's been/is being a good one  xx

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