
By suehutton

Nigella in Blue

Yes, Love in a Mist again. I find them such lovely flowers. Reminds me of an arching ballerina.

Basil had a checkup from the vet. It was pretty thorough. His heart medication will remain the same but he's developing cataracts (boo hoo) and he has arthritis developing in his left hind leg. The vet assured us that medication would improve his quality of life. We've left it until his review in December to think about medication for that.

Then to Dobbies for our monthly ham egg and chips and, in my case, very creamy meringue. Will I be able to tackle dinner at Livio's tonight with Len and Colin and Basil. Interestingly, I'd given Basil quite a bit of ham at lunch and he didn't want any more when it was wrapped round his Cardisure tablet at 5 pm.

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