Happy Moments

By ApolloFly


I went to a new u3a group this afternoon - ‘writing for pleasure’. Something I’ve had in mind for a while as I thought I might enjoy the experience.

Not that I’ve written anything before, at least not since school days, so I’ve not got any idea if I will be any good at it.

It’s not a big group, kept purposely that way, so everyone gets a chance to read out their piece, some of which can be (and are) short and sweet, some can be slightly more - shall we say - expansive?

Poems, short stories, anything goes, and over a cup of tea you have ten minutes to put together something brief and to the point on an off-shoot or different subject to the theme for the week.

As it was my first visit there, I was not obliged to have written anything, but I will go again next month and see how I get on. It was all quite relaxed and they were very welcoming as you’d expect.

One of the regular members is blind. He comes along with his guide dog called Elsie. When I asked if it would be ok to take the picture, and asked her name he said long canine. Quickly explaining that she is also known as LC. Proper spelling of course ’Elsie’. Obviously being blind doesn’t detract from his sense of humour :-)

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