Happy Moments

By ApolloFly


We had our postal votes through this last week, so when we went out today we took them with us to post. Callum had mentioned another ‘old’ box he had seen on his travels, so I thought that would get the posting done and the blip done at the same time.

It’s a GR, which I’ve had quite a few of, but nonetheless worth documenting.

We went to get some shrubs for the new containers that were delivered in the week, but didn’t end up buying today, we know what we want, so will just have to keep visiting garden centres till we find them.

Finished cutting back the violas, ready for the garden waste to go to the tip. 

Considerably cooler today and quite a strong breeze, but that’s fine.

Edit, if anyone wants to know the app I used for processing, it’s called Photoroom. A new one on me and it has some simple to use AI which isolated the postbox and several free background options. I think it’s great.

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