Today's the day

By sheilwill

Prunella vulgaris

Today's the day ........................ to no mow

Although most of the grassy bits in our garden are more 'meadow' than 'lawn', we do have a couple of places where Will does mow to keep the grass short.  This is mainly to aid the playing of games, cartwheeling and hand-standing for the grandchildren, you understand.

But at this particular time of the year, even these bits have to be left for a while - because this is when the prunella is in flower.  The whole area erupts with these delightfully luminous, pink and purple flowers that have appeared from nowhere.  It would seem very churlish, after all that effort, to chop them off in their prime.

And if we let them linger a while, hopefully they'll do exactly the same thing, this time next year ..........................!  

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