Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Life of Archie

Archie had an exciting afternoon visit with Christine (and Dougal, and Bonnie) while we went to see ‘The life of Pi’ at the Festival Theatre.

So we had an exciting afternoon too - the production was amazing, with life sized animal puppets (à la War Horse), amazing lighting and special effects. But… it was quite long. Made even longer with two technical problem stoppages of 20 minutes or so, as well as the interval. AND I could feel air conditioning coming right down on my head. Mind you, I did manage a half time ice cream. I don’t know how those actors can go on and do the whole thing again this evening, especially the young woman who played Pi, who was centre stage the whole time!

No photos taken today, but Elizabeth sent this one of Archie visiting Auntie Helen yesterday.

Photo by Elizabeth

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