An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A glimpse of blue...

Woke up to another dark, grey, misty rainy day.  It looked more like November than June.  This tiny glimpse of what the weather could have been teased us for all of five minutes, then returned to grey, rain and wind!

It was our friend's funeral this afternoon.  As expected there was a huge turnout and the crematorium was overflowing.  We ended up watching the service (along with many others) on the large TV in the waiting room.  It was a lovely service.  I still can't get my head around going to the doctor thinking your gall bladder is playing up, to being told you have pancreatic cancer and passing away within five weeks.  

As ever at funerals, we met people we haven't seen in a very long time.  It's such a shame that it's generally sad occasions such as this that affords the chance to meet up.  

Once home I set about making a large pot of chilli for tomorrow night's dinner for the Skye lot arriving.  Just rice and nachos to make to serve with it so it's an easy meal.

David headed to Perth to e-Computers to pick up my external hard drive.  They phoned when we were on our way home from the funeral to say it was now in a new casing with a new connector and was working again.  I am VERY relieved!  

D then took Lola out for a belated walk and I headed to the study for some last minute painting as I won't have much time for that next week when our visitors are here.

I had almost reached the study door when my wheels suddenly tilted to the right.  It was the strangest feeling, like I'd gone down a ditch!  I shouted to Alan's support worker Penny and she brought my elbow crutches, which were at the other end of the house by the front door.  I don't know what I would have done if she and Alan had gone out!  

We had a quick look at the chair and it looks as though the bolt that attaches the wheel to the chair frame has sheared!  It was only serviced a short while ago and I would have thought the wheelchair engineer would have checked all the bolts for signs of metal fatigue. 

Strangely, when we got it back after the service this time, I said to D it didn't feel as though anything had been done.  After the last service I definitely felt a difference and they had replaced the left hand arm rest as the rubber moulding had split and they'd tightened the right arm as it was loose.  This time the right arm was still loose and the split rubber on the left arm rest (seems to be a weak point when it's folded) was as it was.  

D checked it when he returned and confirmed the bolt has sheared.  He will ring the supplier in the morning in the hope they have bolts in stock and take it to be fixed.  If they don't I'm going to be without it for god knows how long!  Not ideal as tomorrow is a busy day.  

Carole is arriving at 9.30m to give Lola a trim and a pedicure, the lift engineer is due at the same time to service the lift, a new tumble drier is being delivered at some point, and our Skye friends arrive around 4pm!  Not being able to whizz about the house is going to be a real pain in the posterior, and I don't even want to think about the girls' birthday party on Saturday if I'm relying on my elbow crutches to get about.  

But not getting my knickers in a knot just yet.  Fingers crossed it can be fixed tomorrow.

I am just so glad it didn't happen while we were at the funeral!

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