
By KatesGardenPDX

Something A Bit Different

I enjoy playing around with my 10mm macro lens for the iPhone but it does get frustrating - one has to hold the lens a half inch to an inch from the subject, which won't really do for bugs and little creatures. Since I'm earning some money from teaching this summer, I decided to splurge on the 75mm macro lens from Moment - the same company. This lens focuses about 4" from the subject, which makes things a lot easier. I've literally just unpacked it, but am pleased with the results...not perfect but not too bad! Like my Canon macro, I'm always delighted to find visitors to my photos, like in the extra. I don't even know what that little silver/white creature is hovering on a Sarracenia. But the ant posed quite nicely for me in the main. The bees were having none of it, so on a sunny day I'll take out the Canon. 

A pedicure today, followed by a massage which I totally slept through. My nose has been so darned stuffy at night that I keep waking up with, well, a stuffy nose and a headache. But then today I realized that I was probably brewing up a migraine, so took the meds and now the headache is gone and the nose a bit less stuffy (an odd side effect of migraines for me).

Since I felt so rested, I came home and started washing the windows! They sorely needed it, and I have some friends coming over tomorrow for Happy Hour.

And finally, my biological sisters have written a guest post for my blog if you're interested:  And Then There Were Three

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