
By JohnW

Verbascum - Chaixii ‘Album’

A flower growing wild if not a wild flower.
I spotted it in the ginnel on this morning’s Biskit walk.  There seem to be a few evenly spaced bedside the path so I’m wondering if they were planted.  Whatever, it can be my Wildflower Week entry along with Flower Friday.
At extra I give you ‘Landscape with water’.  This is our photogroup subject for next month, and as near as I’m likely to get without delving into the archives, a taboo in my book for sure, but sometimes needs must and the Ws aren’t going anywhere in the next few weeks.  The water is about a cm deep in the rain-gauge at the end of the arrow.  I actually took the shot because of the shadows cast by the ‘northerly’ sunrise this time of year.  I have plenty with the winter sunrise and the shadows in the other direction.  
Blip bonus, our rose I can’t kill in all its splendour bedside the water.
Many thanks to BikerBear for hosting ‘Flower Friday’, and to Miranda for hosting Wild Flower Week.

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