Today's the day

By sheilwill


Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . . to dispel the myth

According to a new survey carried out by the Met Office, a staggering 75% of the population admit to using folklore to predict what the weather is going to do.  

You know the sort of thing - Red sky at night, Shepherds delight, pine cones open up when there's good weather on the way, it can be too cold to snow etc.  61% of them believed that cows lying down on the field, is an accurate way of forecasting rain.

However, I'm sorry to have to tell you - if you are one of the ones that does believe it - that there is actually no scientific backing for this at all. Cows lie down for a number of reasons – including just having a rest – and there is no evidence to suggest it is related to the likelihood of rain.

Mmmmh - I bet it still does rain, though ....................!

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