
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 80/91
Main activity: Fri - rain, Uhaul, TJs, nap, Vina
Notes: Didn't sleep much at all and heavy rain first thing. Ellen came over and we headed to Uhaul to pick up the truck. Back and packing inside some until the rain stopped and then filled the 10ft truck and cleared out the house - most of the furniture stays but was still quite a bit. We headed to the studio and unloaded all, Susan came there to help for the last bit. We sat in the AC then and chatted for a bit before finding a gas station (not easily) for the Uhaul, returned it and then a quick trip to TJs for a handful of things (for my carnivore diet). Back and a shower and laid down to rest ... did meditation and was out pretty quick, about 2 hrs total. Had another mean message from Bette then about the wicker chair - was not happy about how she did it at all but texted El and she said she'd ride w/ so we went to Vina del Mar and picked it up and just came back. Another rinse off and back into light sweats to relax for the evening. Was making some food and chatting w/ Jo on Signal about my experience watching the Debate - suddenly my throat was so sore and on fire, like one of the worst sore throats you can get. I told Jo and she asked if I said anything during the debate - I hadn't, watched quietly as an observer from the back of the room but was disgusted by the responses of the normies and the ridiculous display on the tv. Ate a bit, little things (still carnivore) and within a short amt of time had some instant bad stomach reaction (low gut - it wasn't the food, had no time to get there) and was in the bathroom and a bit explosive 3 or 4 times. really felt like something huge was processing thru ... and quickly! That seemed ok then and I just rested, watched some shows, went to bed ~1015p.

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