Keith B

By keibr

Taming the Wilderness

This is the "after" image. The "before" image is the extra, showing what a garden turns into when you go away for 39 days, just as the growing season gets going.
This is about half of the mowing that I did today, with the other half invisible at the back of the garden. Jan did a similar amount of mowing around Betty's and on the paths. The lawn mower has been working overtime today! (And yesterday when we did a similar amount of grass cutting.)
The cough and flu-fatigue finally seem to be very much in retreat! Once again I'm physically tired after all this manual labour. It feels good and I will sleep well tonight.
All this driving and then grass cutting has left me without the energy to blip so as well as this (today's) blip, I've also posted backblips for yesterday and the day before.

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