By JAM28

The Sleeping Giant

We were up and out early for Parkrun this morning. A good 5K run for the four of us.
Then MIL came over for brunch - she always enjoys seeing the kids when they’re home and it’s a treat to have A & D here for the weekend.
In the afternoon we went for a hike up the Sleeping Giant - named because the mountain looks like a giant laying down (see photo). It was a great walk - one we’ve never done before in our 20 years of living here and I don’t know why. It’s only 20 minutes from our house!
The views were spectator and the sun came out too to make it never more beautiful.
We were grateful to stop at the pub after our descent - we were all pretty thirsty. The pub had a pretty garden too and we had a game of cards outside while we had our drinks.
Home for football and an Indian takeaway and more football.
A & D have gone out this evening to see some friends and we are relaxing.
It’s been a busy day!

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