A Daily Dose

By suejay50

The Mummers

We used to have a panto every year in our local Church Hall.  Sadly this year the new vicar would not allow it to be performed. He also won't allow the Hall to be used during our Green Man Festival (it is pagan festival) so the loos won't be open and neither will the tea and cake be on sale (to benefit the Church!). Anyway, there is a fringe festival period in Barnstaple and today those who would have been in the panto put on a funny "Fast History of  Barnstaple" show. One hour of facts about this area told by various "residents", including a famous former prime minister who lives close by on Exmoor.....it was well done and a good way to spend an hour and it was well attended.
Later on my grandson and girlfriend appeared for a drink - they'd been out on their bikes..... drink = water!  Anyway we chatted so long that we ended up going for fish and chips and enjoying a meal together  - a very pleasing interlude.
Glastonbury now....
Another shot of the gorgeous granddaughter in extras.

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