
By Shutterup


Wow... well I am really pleased to have nothing lined up in the diary for today. The clear up, 9 hour journey and two parties yesterday have almost flawed me. We got back from dinner at ten to one in the morning. We had a great fun day but today .. well mostly it will be a wipe out I think.  I am pleased the sun is not out full so the air is cool in the garden and I took a moment to gather a few little flowers to put together in my test tube rack.. we have mexican fleabane, lychnis, toadflax, scabious and oxeye daisies in abundance. They feel light and airy beside me here. 
The rest of the day will be unpacking and sorting out and doing laundry I think ready for the week to begin tomorrow. 
Grass is being cut too.. although in the past two weeks it hasn't grown hugely. 
Glad not to be woken by barking dogs at 7am this morning like yesterday and feeling moderately rested. An early night tonight I think and then joy of joys this week has Wimbledon as an excuse for a few quiet afternoons :)

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