
By carliewired

76 F/ 24 C

The flowers of June,
both wild and domestic, fill
my world with colour


I woke early, as usual, to look out at a wet and dark morning. The rain continued to drizzle down as I munched my granola. I decided to wait until 6 before leaving the house. 

I drove into McArthur Island Park with no real intentions of getting out of my car or getting wet. I took a quick look at the Xeriscape Garden on the park's east side. I saw some dabs of colour there that I thought I could add to my collage this morning. I headed back to our office to use the wifi again.

This is a collection of some of the flowers that brightened my mornings this month. Flowers really are the delight of summer. 

I'm home for the day. The handyman may be back. If so, I will think of something to offer him for lunch. 

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