
By carliewired

84 F/29 C

A day without my 
wifi is just too much to
bear so I've made do


I was up and out the door by 5:30 AM. I thought I'd like a relaxing drive over Rose Hill Road. It started with some showers but changed to sun by the end. I began with a turn off the Merritt Highway. I breathe a sigh of relief once I'm in the grasslands.

There were two misses - a small brown bear crossed my path, then slipped into the woods. I don't think he even knew I was there. The second, a big grouse along the road's edge was suddenly in front of me. I hit the brakes sending my camera onto the floor mat. Missed the grouse but my camera survived. 

I found a hawk perched on a tall dead tree but my favourite bird is a song sparrow who sat on a fence post delighting me with his melody. 

There were cattle on the open range all along my route. My shot of them greeting their neighbours at the fence was too good to miss. 

On the north slope where the grasses have grown up so tall already, I spied some odd 'sticks' moving along. They turned into deer antlers when two bucks emerged above the grassy ridge. This was my favourite shot of the morning. 

I was home before 7:30 but as I was loading my collage, my wifi failed. I spent the best part of an hour trying to sort that. Eventually, I was speaking to a techie on the east side of Canada. The short story is my modem is dead. I cannot find a replacement here in the city. The company will send one but can't get a technician here to my house before Friday. So, I've driven to our office this evening to do the minimum job. Apologies to those who won't get my comments until my home network is restored. (I still have a handyman working in my house so I can't leave it for long.)

My collage is also an abbreviated version. I had more delicious shots to share, but no more time today......

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