
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 77/91
Main activity: Sun - beach walk, Craft Kafe, house > condo
Notes: Here's a pic of the house I've been staying in since Thurs aft. Packed pretty much everything up this morning. Picked up Ellen at Town Shores ~745a and we headed to the beach, did a long walk, hot and heavy and really felt diff than yesterday. Decided to grab a coffee again at Craft Kafe, ran into Leslie there (LG artist) and then had seats inside so ordered and just stayed there for a bit. Back - both wiped and heat exorbitant (again), dropped El off, back and took a shower - so had to unpack a bit of what I'd already packed up. Put on sweats to relax and then heard the woman moving in is coming early to drop things and wants to be ahead of the storms ... so back to shorts/tank and packed a bit again. El and Jackie planned to be here ~1p, both arrived early but the changeover all went well. We headed back to Ellen's then at Town Shores, shower, rest, watched some HGTV and ate some food later evening. We were both quite tired and not feeling great most of the day. Walked over to Susan's in the evening to borrow a pliers and socket set to take apart the bed in the morning - hot walk over!

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