My day

By 59

Mono Monday - superstition

What an interesting topic for today. There are heaps of things around relating to this challenge and made for some interesting conversation between the family members. Cracks in the pavement, umbrellas up indoors, touch wood, cats, Friday the 13th, walking under ladders. I’m not really superstitious but did wear something old, new borrowed and blue for my wedding. I often say touch wood. I don’t walk under ladders but I like the 13th and black cats which is my choice for the day. Our granddaughter Maddy came after school and we went for a walk to see if we could see a neighbour’s black cat. When we arrived at their place the cat came running out to say hello. Her name is Jet (black). She rubbed back and forth and was so friendly. 

We had a funny sort of day with some random things happening. We were talking to BIL (his birthday) when a Police Detective arrived to see if we had any information on a stabbing on the corner of our street yesterday. We had driven up to visit our son and when we came home yesterday there were police around and an area roped off. Apparently someone was allegedly stabbed and needed to be helicoptered to Sydney. The chopper landed on the park where we walk each day. First item on the TV news this evening. 

Another BIL has a birthday and tomorrow a SIL has hers. All Bob’s siblings. There is another baby due tomorrow, my great niece is having a Bub. Later in the week are another great nephew, a niece, a cousin and granddaughter all celebrating. I love remembering family on their birthdays. 

Had a preadmission call from the hospital. Yikes. 

And we had the swearing in of our new Governor General. Our head of state is chosen by the Government and represents the crown (ie King Charles). I approve of their choice of a woman Sam Mostyn but not that we are still tied to the British crown. We are called a rhelm what ever that means. 

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