
By TrishaR


We had a good drive up the A9 turning off at Dalwhinnie then onwards towards our destination here near Arisaig. We were here in August 2021 when the verges were mobbed with campervans - the Covid years.

We got unpacked, the boys sorted out which bedroom each had and Ben ended up with the twin bedded room. I say we got unpacked but only me and S did, it’s Monday and their bags still aren’t emptied into drawers. Oh well the days of me doing it are well over lol! It’s an upside down house with our bedroom and bathroom upstairs at the back of the massive lounge with the view over to Eigg and Rum.

I had made a bolognaise to heat up and cooked pasta - my feeder mode has been activated for this week ;)

We toddled off down the path and along to Triagh beach for a walk. It made me so happy to see Lucca running along it. To think she hadn’t really done anything that was just second nature to Breagha up until a month ago. She’s come on so much the wee soul.

Headed back and had a chilled rest of evening.

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