
By blipperdude

And the Kitchen Sink

It has been a very long and busy Wednesday at work, pretty much nonstop from morning to evening. The spell of hot summer weather continued with blazing sun and clear blue skies, but I didn’t even get much time to look outside, let alone go there… I figured grabbing some shots around the building was my best plan for today’s blip, to serve as fodder for an AI abstract.

While making coffee in the middle of the day, I noticed an interesting pattern of reflections and refractions in the assortment of mugs, glasses and utensils by the sink. With some experimentation in Photoleap AI, this bizarre scene came out. I find that using AI tools on subjects they were not intended for is the best approach to getting original and unique results. For example, this image used an AI tool designed to produce modified selfies, and in the absence of a face, it tends to hallucinate surreal facial features in odd places.

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