
By MumOf4Wildlings

Birthday boy

My sweet, intelligent,  kind hearted warrior is 8. Our little president.  LINCOLN.  ( named after president Abraham Lincoln ). 

He didn't have the best start in life ( see extra ) he was on CPAP and in hospital for nearly 2 weeks. And he fought so bloody hard. 

He was excited this morning to come down to balloons and presents.  And is very happy with his gifts. Mainly snuggly toys and art supplies. He got a few art supplies from nana and grandad too and a flying nova.  

The big wildlings had a fun day at school and ended their school day with a water fight. They came home soaked. 

I spent the day at ambie farm park with my work. A end of term treat. The students had a brilliant time. And the rain didn't stop them. What a blast. 

We're all back there this Thursday with our PIN group . 

So everyone has had birthday cake. It should be cheerleading tonight but they're knackered and all need a bath. They got their faces painted at school. 

Thanks for all your happy comments for my running.  

And happy summer holidays.  Woo hoo. We just need the weather to improve.  

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