
By Wanderers13

Nearly ready

With blackcurrants it is a race against time and blackbirds.  They need to be ready to pick within the next two weeks, John has a temporary frame to cover some bushes each year, to protect fruit from the blackbirds, however it lying outside ready to go, it is too damp and midgy be out there now. 

John is spending 2-3 hours over at the tree nursery most mornings, working on the inside of the shed, he arrived home lunch time  today and had to listen to me trying to explain an issue with the washing machine. His job this afternoon was to take a look, having done so he found a 1p coin and a hair grip, we hope this was the cause, will try it again in the morning.  Now with a cup of tea in hand he has worked out we have only bought two washing machines in 53 years. Johns mum passed on a twin tub in the early years, later the Co op had a very good deal for an automatic which lasted for years, new parts replacing the worn out bits. The current machine has proved to be excellent, John thinks we bought it some 18-20 years ago, it may be less, time will tell if this one survives another day or year. 

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