Happy Moments

By ApolloFly

Third Time Lucky

Thanks to JacZero for hosting MM this month - always good to see a new name hosting and giving us some great themes for the month.
Today is ‘superstition’ which I’m reliably informed can be interpreted as a commonly applied belief or practice surrounding luck.

Hmmmm, ok then. Morning dog walk and as often the case Vinnie set the route and direction, which today took us along a narrow alleyway, along the main road and then back down the allotment road. A couple of times recently we have been that way and twice I’ve spotted this hedgehog highway in a gate. So today, third time lucky, I took a picture of it for my blip!

We had a good walk, in the dry. Now however, guess what - it’s raining steadily and the forecast doesn’t look too much better for the next few days. Still, I’ve caught up on some admin, checked out my clothes and bits and pieces ready for the trip south at the end of the week. Found the spare chargers and chosen a book for the train journey.

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