
By Hamp5on


Another very full day, it feels like quite an intense season at the moment!
Messages back and forth with the guy facing the end of his life, another hard day for him.
I met up with one of the team who needed a listening ear, also handed back washing. 
Asha had her repaso and enjoyed it much more than she expected to, so that was good! 3x a week 2 hours at a time, focusing on Catalán and Maths. I took her for a takeaway slice of pizza afterwards as a well done.
Now it's on to essay (at 11,20pm!), thank goodness for leftover chocolates from Adrian and Linda!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Getting errands done with Nate this morning, and enjoying his company and interesting conversation.
2) Asha having a much better time than imagined.
3) The kids excitement about the UK trip that's coming up. 

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