Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Grape Leaf Skeletonizer

Another new (for the year) Yard Bug, and one I don't often see.  Although as the name implies, the can be a crop pest, they also love Virginia Creeper which grows abundantly in this area.  As in most cases, it is the larval form of the moth that causes the damage - the adult moth (as seen here) feeds on nectar.  The phlox in my garden is starting to burst into bloom now so I expect to see quite a few new pollinators as word gets out that there's a new bar open in town.

I slept very poorly last night so didn't have a lot of energy today.  Still, I got a few things done and also got a nice nap this afternoon.  Hubs and I (mostly Hubs) got the new carpet into the dining room and I have to say that it looks great!  We have a smaller matching rug to go in the foyer by the front door which will be in later this week.  And, we just found out that our new sofa is here and will be delivered next week.  Thank goodness because our current sofa is on death row at this point.  

It has been a gorgeous day - much cooler and low humidity.  In fact, I'm sitting on the patio writing this with Jax at my side.  Hubs is out on a bike ride.

Dark with orange nibs.


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