
By KateH

David Tennant’s village

Woke to lashing rain and grey skies so took it easy first thing.  We were going to stick to base camp if it didn’t clear up but then with a flash of genius remembered ‘lobster rolls!’   So hightailed it into Dervaig.  Coming somewhere on a yearly basis for so long one tracks the changes but this new business,  producing delicious bread and these fresh sandwiches had passed us by.   We took them down to eat on the beach but the rain returned and we holed up in the car.   They were lovely particularly in the soft brioche buns.  

When it cleared we walked up to Inivea, the village that David Tennant was shown in Who Do You Think You Are as the place his family departed the island from in the 19th Century.  I am not sure if it was cleared and abandoned or abandoned through illness as some villages were.  Even the dog admired the view! 

On the drive back to Treshnish we saw an eagle being mobbed by crows and then spent a lot of time trying to work out if it was a Golden or Sea Eagle.  My hunch is the former.  

Visit from the management over tea!  And @treshnish and I concluded the mystery flower from yesterday to be Bloody Cranesbill.  In fact  I saw another patch of it by the path at Calgary and thought that might be the case.  It is an astonishingly vivid magenta, one that historically people must have ached to reproduce but which would have been impossible without synthetic dyes.  

V cooked dinner, chicken and aubergines and there was a slightly feeble attempt at a sunset - it didn’t go full on amazing but it was beautiful watching the swallows wheel across it. 

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