The second half of life..

By twigs

Living proof...... apple never falls far from the tree.
Woke early but lacking in energy a bit.  No sign of frost/fog/hoar frost so didn't mind in the least that the day morphed into a van day.  By late afternoon though I was feeling the need to stretch the legs so took off over the road and along the waterway......  Nothing much happening there so returned and started to walk around 'the hill' that sits alongside the campsite.  All good until I saw a track that lead up the ordinary track.....a 4WD track that looked near vertical in places.  That looked like a good challenge!  'Don't look down' whispered the voice in my head as I reached what seemed like the halfway point.  On all fours for good parts of the middle section it was a relief - physical and mental - to reach the hilltop trig point where I could enjoy the views.  Not a big hill but enough to give both my legs and my lungs a short workout.  The amble down the other side drops straight into the campsite and it was here I saw this apple tree with a feast of fallen fruit.  An odd sight on a barren hilltop in the middle of a barren landscape.  I guess someone threw their apple core away up here many years least the birds know where there's a good feast.
Early night tonight - it's forecast to be -4 overnight and want an early-ish start for the sun.....

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