
By MarilynParker


This is a chubbier squirrel than the last one we saw. It was enjoying the nuts from the box Terry made.
I went to Go Outdoors in Warrington this morning, hoping to get a new 3-in-1 jacket and some boots. I was pleased to see a sale on but sad it's a closing down sale. I got some waterproof walking boots and some waterproof walking shoes but the jackets were not what I wanted. The shape of some was odd unless it's me that's an odd shape! Some were too short and others uncomfortable. Some were silly prices even in the sale but one I really liked was too heavy. Ah well, my feet are sorted.
On the way home i called at Clock Face Country Park for a little walk and the extra photo was taken there.
At lunchtime the post arrived and I had a shock to receive one with my cataract operation day which is for a week on Friday. We go away (short break) on Monday and come back Thursday then next day I'm to be in there for 8am. I am already anxious about it!
Terry has been repairing our shed which is more like Trigger's broom every day.
He'll be continuing with the shed tomorrow if the weather allows and I'm off out geocaching in Southport.
Must remember to change my blood test which I booked for the morning of the day on which my cataract op has been arranged.
Did a bit of weeding in the garden this afternoon but had to give up before it was done; partly due to the back and hip pains, but also due to reflux! Should have had some gaviscon before I started doh.

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