
By rat

Lacs d'Aumar, d'Aubert & d'Oredon

I dug out the album of pics fron our first visit to the Pyrenees in May1995 and found this of the lakes we walked to this year. On that occasion we started from the north and left the (quite big) kids by a high lake while we went a but further to the ridge in this year's pic. 
We went up to the col on the left (the one with a clear path, where we saw these lakes and said we would like to visit - so we finally made it. On that occasion we went up the ridge to the peak on the right of the 2024 pic - at least I think that's where we got to! This time we started at the bottom lake, climbed steeply through woods to the flattish bit with a lake along to the dam and middle lake, then up to the top one and along to the far end before contouring round the hillside and very steeply back down.
Today I've spent quite a bit of time on admin and housework but did get out on the bike for a short while, fortunately I can do that okay though I think steep hills might pose a problem.

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