
By CleanSteve

Panorama of dock from Gloucester's Council offices

I drove to Gloucester late this morning as I had to collect all the paraphernalia that is required to be a Presiding Officer at a polling station for tomorrow’s General Election. You have to double check that all the ballot papers, electoral register and the countless forms which will be required throughout the fifteen hour day from 7am were there.

I chose to be a Presiding Officer in Gloucester a few years ago, having previously been an elected town councillor in my local area for many years. It is quite a daunting role as there is a lot of responsibility, but the team which manages the elections are good people, working for Gloucester City Council for most of their time,

The Council Chamber is in the converted North Warehouse at Gloucester Docks, a building not dissimilar to the warehouse at the opposite end of my panoramic picture. Once I’d checked all the stuff and was ready to leave, I asked Lauren if I could poke my camera out of the window to take a picture. Unfortunately for safety’s sake the windows only open a few inches, just enough to poke it outside and hope for the best.

After I’d taken a couple of shots I decided to try three views hoping to join them all together. I’m quite pleased with the result, and rather surprised that it has worked as I only had about two minutes to film everything.

Tonight I went to the polling station in a community centre on the outskirts of Gloucester and with Mark, my fellow Presiding Officer, we set up our two polling stations sided by side, to avoid having to do it at 6am tomorrow. We need to be there by 6-15am and early voters will definitely arrive at 7am. It will be a fascinating day.

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