
By davidc

Alice's Shop

As Son#1 wishes to attend a conference in Oxford tomorrow & Friday, and his wife and our Grandson#1 were going along too, we were invited to join them on their travels. Naturally we jumped at the chance of spending more of their remaining time in the UK with them, especially as Oxford is a very special place for us for a variety of reasons (including the fact that 3 of the family - including me - studied here, and that the first few nights of our honeymoon were here too). So we're on the move again, having taken the train this time.

I chose this little shop for my blip as an interesting curiosity. The shop is opposite Christ Church (college), and Lewis Carroll (aka Charles Dodgson) held the post of Christ Church Mathematical Lectureship for many years in the 19th Century, supposedly basing Alice on the daughter of the Dean of the college,  Henry Liddell.

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