
By AMealIAteToday

Anniversary Dinner

We spent the day exploring London. Particular highlights were visits to Westminster Abbey and the National Gallery. We had reservations for an anniversary dinner at Clos Maggiore. We had the five-course tasting menu with wine pairings. The dinner and wines were exceptional.

Courses (and wines, not pictured):
Orkney scallops with XO sauce, peas, and an almond tuile with a white Rhone wine; steak tartare with pickled onion and baby mushrooms, chive crumb, and smoked dressing with a Gevrey-Chambertin; Scottish hallibut, razor clams, zucchini, and velouté with a Viognier dominant white blend from Languedoc-Roussillon; Denbighshire lamb chop and braised shoulder, minted crushed peas, and goat's curd with a red wine from Campania; and French Gariguette strawberry and jasmine charlotte with strawberry sorbet with a Maury (red dessert wine); orange chocolates with an anniversary message in chocolate (and far better penmanship than I can manage with pen and paper).

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