
By PaulaJ

Our market

In contrast to Issigeac’s meandering medieval streets, Eymet is laid out on a typical bastide  chequerboard plan around an arcaded central square, place Gambetta - see extra. On three sides of the square are these broad arcades sheltering cafés and shops. 

Eymet’s Thursday morning market is very popular and many English voices can be heard, as this area has a big population of English people, as well as lots of visitors. We wandered, got a few things and then headed back to our house and the quiet. Very hot in the afternoon - Gordon was glad of the pool; I was happy with the shade. 

We have access to UK TV, that’s how Gordon has been following the football, so we are just wondering how to watch the Election Results - stay up late or get up very early.

Second Extra
As we have been travelling through France we have noticed many town signs turned upside down. We thought it might be a political stunt, but the tractor in the photo is a clue. It is part of a protest by farmers to raise visibility of the challenges they face. 

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