
By fitzbilly

Turkish (De)lights

We voted this morning. There was some confusion when I handed in my two poll cards - one for me and a proxy one for daughter#2. 'What's going on here then?' was the initial response. Then they couldn't find daughter#2 on the register, but after an intervention by the presiding officer they found her, so all was resolved and I got the two votes.

Mrsfb was a bit fed up and said she wanted a day out, somewhere like Worcester but not Worcester. So we went to Worcester.

We had a very nice lunch in a Turkish restaurant where I thought the rather lovely lights might make a nice Abstract Thursday blip. We did get some Turkish Delight with the bill.

After lunch mrsfb had a mooch around the shops while I went off to take some photos. Funnily enough I had said on the drive there that I was short of a sporting action shot for one of the camera club competitions, so I was really pleased to see some rowers racing on the river. Quite happy with my edit on the extra too. I need to do a bit more work on the oars though before I submit it I think. Done it!

In other news bin day seemed to go smoothly.

One year ago:
Lanhydrock In The Rain

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