By lizzie_birkett

Has Summer Gone?

There are leaves on the ground everywhere round here.
I have spent most of the day making a bullet point timeline of the events of the past 4 weeks in preparation for the PALS meeting on Monday. I had to check back on messages from the whole family, my diary, the Drs discharge letter and even Blipfoto to see what happened when.
A tip for the future - write every little snippet down, even if you think it is insignificant. I think we are prepared now.
When I read it back, it makes me shudder!
Frank has little appetite for any food and he is also very tired and keeps falling asleep after the least bit of exertion.

I had a phone call from Christel our previous neighbour in Scotland. She told me that a few days ago, she had fallen in her garden and couldn’t move for four hours.she shouted for help but nobody heard her. Eventually someone did though and called an ambulance. She went to theatre and had a hip replacement. She will be 90 in December and she’s already up and about with her Zimmer frame. Her daughter is staying with her for a few days then her son will come.
She said she told the nurses off for calling her Darling . she said they were to use her real name. she’s quite a character!
I got new trainers today, I fancied white ones for a change and I can wear them with dresses as is the fashion these days! ;-)
It’s been very windy and cold today with some heavy rain, hence all the leaves falling. 
Please whoever is up there - can we have some sunshine now?

Goodnight Blippers 

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