
By suehutton

Election Day in Shepshed

Looks really busy, doesn't it? I think Reform might have a good chance in parts of the town but not in the wider constituency. I expect to wake up to it being a Labour seat. The boundaries have changed so we no longer have the country fraternity to accommodate.

As I write the political pundits are punditing, basing their commentary on the exit polls.

Basil and I went out with Cecily early afternoon to capture this shot of the Town Council offices. The sun was shining but the wind was really breezy and it was cold.

The strangest thing we saw was the black cat at the end of Romway Close attempting to get into a bush, see Extra.

The roofing people have been and are upping their quote for work on the roof. They've shown me photos taken on WhatsApp and I have to admit some of the woodwork looks really rotten.

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