
By Groggster

Not Playing Ball

I had to take my brother to his appointment today and then took my usual detour back to Loose village before I had to return to pick him up again.
I was hoping for my accustomed chance to sit and read the Saturday papers in glorious peace in my favourite spot on a wooden bench overlooking the nearby valley but the weather certainly wasn't playing ball with dark scudding clouds and the threat of rain so when I took a quick walk along the causeway footpath and spotted this aubergine coloured tennis ball floating in the adjacent stream, with its accompanying waterborne flora, it was both a literal case of no ball playing and a description of the weather's unwillingness to co-operate with my plans, so of course that had to be today's image! :-)
After a very brief sit on the bench to open a couple of pages of one of the papers the rain did indeed arrive and I had to seek shelter in the car. So I didn't manage to get a contemplative perusal of the papers in one of my favourite locations but after I'd picked my brother up I did get the happy consolation of great sausage sarnie and a strong cappuccino at Kampa Coffee at Loddington Farm Shop before we headed back home.

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