Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Sunset Over The Valley

[Backblip.] We're in Staffordshire. It's a weird feeling driving past the town I lived in for almost 1½ years of my life. The town Little Man spent most of his life. We're spending the night with friends. They live on this hill overlooking the valley, and the sunset was spectacular! When we arrived we saw the rain coming up the valley towards us (see the extra photo). Little Man and I are sharing a room tonight, so I won't be going to bed until after he's settled. He had a rough night last night and it took him hours to fall asleep.

We saw my great-aunt Nana this morning. We drove to her place from Horsham and stayed for lunch before driving on to Alsagers Bank. Thankfully tomorrow's journey won't be so long.

Follow me on our adventures on PolarSteps.

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