That Will Do!

By flumgummery

I'm Old Fashioned

We needed a couple of keys cut:- one for the spare set, which up to now has only those for locking up but not for entering. Seems sensible to have the full of set. The other for the new door for my keyring, having given mine to B.

So, while shopping in the big supermarket I suggested getting them copied at the in-store keycutting/drycleaner kiosk. First key they tried a couple of times, thought it was ok, but the second key was impossible as the blade was not sharp.

Back home, we found the new key didn't work 

Next morning we took it back. A different assistance, assured us that she knew the machine better, replaced the faulty key and cut the one yesterday's couldn't. Super, we went home and tried to get in.

Except neither key would work: that is, the new door would open from the inside but not the outside and the other not at all.

Mr Flum returned alone with both and both were adjusted. Same story, neither worked. So he went back again and insisted on a refund - just for the keys, you understand, not for the 3 double journeys chasing them up.

This morning we took the bus down to the well-established locksmith nearer town, a bit old-fashioned, as the photo implies, with ancient drawers and cardboard boxes, carefully labelled, but happy to have the odd plastic tub if it suits the purpose. It seemed to take a matter of seconds, cost two thirds the price the supermarket place charged and they both work. (And, with our bus passes, cost us nothing to get there). Give me old-fashioned anytime.

I make no comment on the election except to say that I voted for the candidate, not the party, and he was duly elected. Interesting times ahead.

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