Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

[Not so] Dreamy


G drove me to work on a Wednesday for the first time in months. It was super not to have to get a taxi. She went to school to do her last stint volunteering in the library. I had intended to drive myself in and stay until the end of a special Town Hall but attended it online from home instead.

Nara did a stirling job while we were out. You could tell he had dusted in the corners. It was a shock then when in the middle of the afternoon, we had a loud crash of something falling in the corridor. I ran out to see what it was. Everything looked in place, but on the floor, there were large and small bits of concrete. The section on the ceiling that had been showing signs of water damage for years finally failed.

Bits flew everywhere, in fact, there was some of it in every room except for the laundry and G's washroom. It would have to happen right after Nara had been. Grrr. It took a while to gather it all up.

G went out for a colleague's farewell but was home by 7, very pleased that she made the effort. I was so glad I took my picture of the garden at ground level for a change.

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