BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Flower ............

 ................. Friday5_2024  (FF05_2024)  -  the companion rose of the bud I posted earlier this week.

Really, really pretty  -  when you look in large..  

Managed to get all my pots back in situ - the weather seemed very humid - and I now have lots of light green circles in the grass!!!!
Nathan the Gardener finished re-weeding the front garden and then wrestled with a truly gigantic bramble behind and alongside the garden shed  -  it seems to have originated next door and found its way under the fence.   
(They also have some bamboo that does that - I have mentioned it in passing but all the guy does is cut it back to waist height which makes the roots all vigorous again   >sigh<   and it springs back up).

~ Anni ~

This is Friday uploaded on a very wet and soggy Saturday morning - and I was going to cut the grass today, too!

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