Busy day. Sorted out the tomatoes this morning, which were all a bit out of control. Some dead bits to cut off, some thinning out and opening up at the bottom. Lots of restaking and some imaginative supports needed for plants that have flopped and trailed. The 'blight' if that is what it was has either been knocked on the head by the blue stuff I coated the plants in, or is just in abeyance until the next spell of wet cooler weather. We shall see. But in the meantime we have lots of tomatoes swelling nicely.
Next we set to tackling the big bathroom - finally replacing the broken bit of the tap that had been leaking. (Sadly, having waited about four months for the replacement part to arrive, the tap is still leaking.) Having not been used for such a long time, there was a lot of dust to evict, but a small boy was entertained by my cleaning while he had a long bath with his new lego ship. As you do.
Later still (after a very brief pause to watch the end of the cycling) off down the vegetable garden to tackle the green beans and runner beans, which are becoming a restaurant for aphids. Mam said I should blast them off with the hose - but I can't find the bit that connects the two lengths of hose, and even then I'm not 100% sure it would reach all the way there. So I just get in there with my fingers and scrape them off. Satisfying, if sticky. After about half an hour of that, just as I was getting bored, I discovered that I was joined in my endeavours by this ladybird. We don't get many of them in our garden so it was a pleasant surprise to see one in just the right place. Gave me the chance for a pause in bug squashing to stand and watch a master at work.
Then curry, with some last minute naan bread that (because I'd spent so long with the bugs) was only just raised in time (in the sunshine) to get it in the pan and cooked. And now, collapse. (Or ironing.)
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