
By pandieb


After much negotiation it was agreed that we'd NOT watch tonight game (and Himself wouldn't secretly watch it on his phone either), just in case England win and we have to watch the semis on Wednesday as well. I agreed to lose one night of my holiday to football but not two.

As it happens we're watching the extra time but that's beside the point. We've had a nice dinner (moussaka croquettes, snails in some kind of sauce (not sure if have them again) lamb kebabs X 2)  and it's a nice bar we're in.  It was a tad warm today and we retreated indoors by about 1500. I've been planning to run every morning so far but it's already over 25degrees by 0700 and I really don't like iit that warm.* Maybe tomorrow (although the 'complimentary' raki after every meal doesn't help)

*Unless I'm lying on the beach, see extra**

** No, my legs are NOT that long or thin, it's the camera angle.

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